Yan Jun's Experience of Treating Unexplained Fever
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1.北京中医药大学枣庄医院,山东 枣庄 277000
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于明霞, 晏军, 侯爱华, 等. 晏军治疗不明原因发热经验[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2021.11.0377
YU Ming-xia, YAN Jun, HOU Ai-hua, et al. Yan Jun's Experience of Treating Unexplained Fever[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2021.11.0377
于明霞, 晏军, 侯爱华, 等. 晏军治疗不明原因发热经验[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2021.11.0377 DOI:
YU Ming-xia, YAN Jun, HOU Ai-hua, et al. Yan Jun's Experience of Treating Unexplained Fever[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2021.11.0377 DOI:
Yan Jun, chief physician, believes that the treatment of unexplained fever by syndrome differentiation and stages should be based on time, place and personal conditions. Through harmonizing lesser yang meridian, it should be treated in three stages: regulating ,qi, movement; strengthening healthy ,qi, to eliminate pathogenic factors; nourishing yin and clearing heat. According to Doctor Yan, in the early stage, we should pay attention to regulating ,qi, movement, not only regulating ,qi, movement of the whole body, but also regulating ,qi, movement of"the lung"and"spleen-stomach"axis. Therefore, Minor Bupleurum Decoction, Free Wanderer Powder, etc.can be used to disperse ,qi, movement of lesser yang meridian; Minor Green Dragon Decoction can be used to remove phlegm stagnation and dredge ,qi, movement of the lung; Six Gentlemen Decoction can be used to regulate ,qi, movement of the spleen and stomach. In the early stage, we should pay attention to strengthening healthy ,qi, to eliminate pathogenic factors. Therefore, Center-Supplementing and ,Qi,-Boosting Decoction, Sweet Wormwood and Turtle Shell Decoction can be used. In the later stage, we should pay attention to nourishing yin and supplement kidney water to reduce the deficiency fire caused by in deficiency with effulgent fire. Therefore, Pulse-Engendering Powder, Radix Adenophorae seu Glehniae and Radix Ophiopogonis Decoction, Metal Water Six Gentlemen Decoction, Effective Integration Decoction, etc.can be used. In addition, Doctor Yan often uses Baiwei (,Radix et Rhizoma Cynanchi Atrati,) and Yuzhu (,Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati,) to nourish yin and clear remaining heat.
unexplained feverregulating qi movementstrengthening healthy qi to eliminate pathogenic factorsnourishing yin and clearing heatharmonizing lesser yang meridianYan Jun
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