The Experience from Professor Wang Aihua in Diagnosis and Treatment of Crohn's Disease
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1.湖南中医药大学,湖南 长沙410208
2.湖南中医药大学第一附属医院,湖南 长沙410007
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罗曌, 宾东华, 王爱华. 王爱华教授辨治克罗恩病经验[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.11954/ytctyy.202105030
Luo Zhao, Bin Donghua, Wang Aihua. The Experience from Professor Wang Aihua in Diagnosis and Treatment of Crohn's Disease[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.11954/ytctyy.202105030
罗曌, 宾东华, 王爱华. 王爱华教授辨治克罗恩病经验[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.11954/ytctyy.202105030 DOI:
Luo Zhao, Bin Donghua, Wang Aihua. The Experience from Professor Wang Aihua in Diagnosis and Treatment of Crohn's Disease[DB/OL].(2023-09-15)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails#10.11954/ytctyy.202105030 DOI:
The pathogenesis of Crohn's disease is not clear, its clinical manifestations are diverse, but there are individual differences. With the deepening research of Crohn's disease, the superiority of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of this disease hasbeen constantly reflected and verified. Professor Wang Aihua, an eminent doctor of traditional Chinese Medicine in Hunan Province, believes that weakness of spleen-qi is the root cause of Crohn's disease, combination of damp-heat, blood stagnation and toxin is thepathological factor, intestinal ulcer is a local pathological manifestation, long course of disease harms kidney, which leads to the deficiency of spleen and kidney. Therefore, Professor Wang Aihua suggests that strengthening the spleen and promoting the stomach circulation is the foundation of treatment, supplemented by clearing away heat and dampness, regulating qi and blood. Only in this waycan the symptoms of patients be relieved and the quality of life be improved.
Crohn's DiseaseSyndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Traditional Chinese MedicineDeficiency of Spleen-qiDampness and Heat StagnationQi and Blood Stasis StagnationSpleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
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