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A case study on the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer by Piao Bingkui, a national famous Chinese medicine professor, by nourishing yin and replenishing qi and activating blood and removing toxin with radiotherapy and chemotherapy
    • A case study on the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer by Piao Bingkui, a national famous Chinese medicine professor, by nourishing yin and replenishing qi and activating blood and removing toxin with radiotherapy and chemotherapy


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  • Yongming ZHOU, Honggang ZHENG, Fei LIN, et al. A case study on the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer by Piao Bingkui, a national famous Chinese medicine professor, by nourishing yin and replenishing qi and activating blood and removing toxin with radiotherapy and chemotherapy[DB/OL].(2022-08-18)[2023-11-05].http://cccl-tcm.cacm.org.cn/thesisDetails?columnId=29326924&Fpath=home&index=0







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